Friday, May 31, 2024

Watch picture and learn character (15)Bamboo - 竹

The evolution of character Bamboo


From left to right


Shell bone, big seal, small seal, clerical scripts 


Bamboo Leaves


The Pinyin of the character Vehicle is Che1.



Shell bone script of character Bamboo: Two bamboo branches and leaves.

Big seal script of character Bamboo: Two bamboo poles with leaves dropping down. 

Small seal script of character Bamboo: Similar to big seal script.

Clerical script of character Bamboo: The leaves on the top, one is falling down left, another extending horizontally. The right pole has a hook in the bottom, not like real bamboo. 

Monday, May 27, 2024

Watch picture and learn character (14)Vehicle - 车(車)

The evolution of character Vehicle


From left to right:

Shell bone, big seal, small seal, clerical scripts, and simplified song typeface




Ancient Vehicle


The Pinyin of the character Vehicle is Che1.



Shell bone script of character Vehicle: the top is the cover; the two sides of the bottom are wheels. 

Other forms of shell bone script

Before small script, the characters were not unified, one character could have many forms. 

Big seal script of character Vehicle: It is a bird’s eye view. The left are two wheels, and the right are two vehicle pullers.

Small seal script of character Vehicle: Only vehicle frame left; wheels are eliminated.

Clerical script of character Vehicle: Similar to small seal script. 

Simplified song typeface of Vehicle: similar to clerical script.


Watch picture and learn character (13)Woman - 女

 The evolution of character Woman


From left to right:

Shell bone, big seal, small seal, clerical scripts



Ancient woman kneeling on the ground


The Pinyin of character Woman is Nv1.



Shell bone script of character Woman: A woman kneels on the ground, the two hands across in front of chest. The social position of women was very low in ancient China.

Big seal script of character Woman: The middle line is the body of the woman, very simplified. It is unclear if the woman kneels down or not. 

Small seal script of character Woman: The top is similar to that of shell bone script, but the left arm extends deep to the bottom. The middle long curve is the body and the leg(s). The full character is relatively symmetric, which is the typical characteristics of small seal script.

Clerical script of character Woman (informal): the middle long stroke is the body and leg(s) in small seal script, the two hands cross on the left. 

Clerical script of character Woman (formal): It is from turning the informal character Woman above counter clockwise 90 degrees, which is formal clerical script. Why? Because the people of Han Dynasty liked the typical clerical wave stroke – a long horizontal with wave curve stroke. In order to get it, they turned the character 90 degrees, which is unimaginable behavior.  


Watch picture and learn character (12) Turtle - 龟(龜)

 The evolution of character Turtle            


From left to right: 

shell bone, big seal, small seal, clerical scripts, and simplified song typeface.



Back view of turtle (left)                     Side view of turtleright


The character Turtle –  is pronounced Gui1


Shell bone scripts of character Turtle: The back view of turtle (the left top): the top is head, the middle is body, and there are 4 legs. The side view of turtle (the left bottom): the top is head: the top is bird head, the bottom is body, the left are two legs, and the right is the shell. 

Big seal script of character Turtle (middle left): Similar to side view of turtle: the top is head, the right is shell, the left are legs, the center is body, and the bottom is the tail.

Small seal script of character Turtle: Similar to its big seal script of character. 

Clerical script of character Turtle: Similar to older scripts, except the center is empty T, which is the body, more like the real turtle. 


Simplified song typeface of Turtle (the left bottom): Similar to back view shell bone script: the top is the head, the middle  is the body, the long curve from the middle top to the right bottom is the tail. The 4 legs are eliminated. It is a very good simplification because the back view turtle is easier to draw or to write.



Monday, May 20, 2024

Watch picture and learn character (11) Music or Happiness - 乐(樂)

 Evolution of the character Music


From left to right: 

shell bone script, big seal script, small seal script, clerical script, simplified song typeface


Ancient Chinese Hanging Bells for Music



Shell bone script of character Music or Happiness: the bottom is character Wood , the top are two strings of bells which are different in size. People can make music by knocking the bells. The character also means Happiness or Happy, because when people listen music, they feel happy.

Big seal script of character Music or Happiness: Similar to shell bone script, except there is one more big bell in the top middle.

Small seal script of character Music or Happiness: Similar to big seal script.

Clerical script of character Music or Happiness: some similarity to older scripts but the bells on the sides are not a circle, open straight lines, the character lost most pictography.

Simplified Song typeface: the top completely changed without reasons, just to make less strokes, but lost all pictography.

The Pinyin of the characterLe4 Yue4

Sunday, May 19, 2024

Watch picture and learn character (10) Across - 交

 Evolution of the character Across



From left to right: 

shell bone script, big seal script, small seal script, clerical script


Stand with two legs crossed



Shell bone script of character Across: a person stands with two legs crossed.

Big seal script of character Across: Similar to shell bone script, the legs without the turning points, which are knees, less like the legs, but still similar to legs.

Small seal script of character Across: the top half is similar to shell bone script, the middle circle is the body of the person, the two legs are straighter than that of big seal script. 

Clerical script of character Across: the change is too big to tell which is which, especially on the top. The bottom two strokes are not like legs anymore, but they are crossed.


The pinyin of the character Across is Jiao1。

Saturday, May 18, 2024

Watch picture and learn character (9) Boat - 舟

Evolution of character Boat


From left to right: 

shell bone script, bronze script, big seal script, small seal script, clerical script





Shell bone script of character Boat: a simple small boat structure.

Bronze script of character Boat: similar to shell bone script. The top line is open, I don’t know why.

Big seal script of character Boat: Similar to bronze script.

Small seal script of character Boat: the lower half is similar to older scripts, the top long curve line is the head of boat, which may be the more complex boat head such as the head of dragon boat.

Clerical script of character Boat: the structure of boat has similarity to older scripts, but the big simplification on the head dot replacing the long curve, the two dots in boat replacing the two lines, the middle long horizontal line extended to out of the boat to get a typical clerical script stroke “the Wave stroke”. The pictography is most lost, but people could write the character much faster, which the main purpose of people at that time.


The pinyin of the character Boat is Zhou1.


Watch picture and learn character (8) Shell - 贝(貝)

Evolution of character Shell


From left to right: 

shell bone script, bronze script, big seal script, small seal script, clerical script





Shell bone script of character Shell: an opened shell.

Big seal script of character Shell: a living shell, the bottom is the open mouth of the shell. 

Small seal script of character Shell: Similar to big seal script.

Clerical script of character Shell: similar to small seal script, except the bottom of the shell, the two sides of the mouth become two dots.

Song Typeface of character Shell: the shell is empty inside, and completely open on the bottom, lost most pictography.

The pinyin of the character Shell is Bei4.


Watch picture and learn character (7) Horn - 角

Evolution of character Horn

From left to right: 

shell bone script, bronze script, big seal script, small seal script, clerical script


Ox Horn




Shell bone script of character Horn: It is just like a stubby horn.

Bronze script of character Horn: the long horn.

Big seal script of character Horn: vertical horn, the top is like deer horn. 

Small seal script of character Horn: Similar to big seal script.

Clerical script of character Horn: similar to small seal script, but the straight lines are away from the pictography of the older scripts.

The Pinyin of the character is Jiao3

Watch picture and learn character (21)Drum - 鼓

  The Evolution of character Drum From left to right   Shell bone, bronze, small seal, and clerical scripts Drumming    The pinyin of charac...